The Story of Alqamah Durhaka To His Mother


It is said that at the time of the Prophet there was a young man named Alqamah. He is a young man who is actively worshiping, diligently praying, fasting and giving alms. Once when he was seriously ill, his wife sent an envoy to the Messenger of Allah to inform him of the condition of Alqamah. So, the Messenger of Allah sent Ammar bin Yasir, Shuhaib ar-Rumi and Bilal bin Rabah to see his situation. He said, "Go to the house of Alqamah and Talqin to say La Ilaha Illallah" Finally they left his house, it turned out that at that time Alqamah was already in a state of naza ", they immediately talqin it, but it turned out that oral Alqamah could not pronounce La ilaha illallah.

Immediately they reported this incident to the Prophet.

So the Messenger of Allah asked, "Does he still have both parents?"

Some of them answered, "There is O Messenger of Allah, he still has a mother who is very old."

So the Messenger of Allah sent an envoy to meet him, and he said to the messenger, "Tell his mother Alqamah, 'If he is still able to walk to meet the Messenger of Allah then come, but if not, then let the Messenger of Allah come to see you.'"

When the messenger arrived at his mother Alqamah and his message was delivered, he said, "I have the right to go to the Messenger of Allah."

So he wore a stick and walked to the Messenger of Allah.
Arriving at the house of the Prophet, he said his greetings and the Prophet answered his greetings.

Then the Prophet said to him, "O mother of Alqamah, answer my question honestly, because if you lie, then there will come a revelation from Allah that will tell me, how is the state of your son Alqamah?"

The mother replied, "O Messenger of Allah, she is diligent in praying, fasting and giving alms."

Then the Prophet asked again, "Then what do you feel to him?"

He replied, "I am angry at him O Messenger of Allah."

The Prophet asked again, "Why?"

He replied, "O Messenger of Allah, he prioritizes his wife compared to me and he is disobedient to me."

So, the Prophet said, "Indeed, the anger of the mother has obstructed the oral Alqamah, so it cannot pronounce the creed."

Then he said, "O Bilal, go and collect a lot of firewood."

The mother said, "O Messenger of Allah, what will you do?"

He replied, "I will burn it before you."

He replied, "O Messenger of Allah, I cannot stand if you burn my child in front of me."

So, the Prophet replied, "O Mother Alqamah, actually the adzab of Allah is more poignant and more lasting, if you want Allah to forgive him, then let your child Alqamah, for the sake of the One whose soul is in His Hand, prayer, fasting, and charity will not benefit him the least while you are still angry with him, "

So he said, "O Messenger of Allah, Allah as a witness, also the angels and all the Muslims present at this time, that I have been pleased with my son Alqamah".

The Messenger of Allah also said to Bilal, "O Bilal, go to him and see if Alqamah has been able to say the creed or not, perhaps the mother
Alqamah said something that did not come from his heart, maybe he was just ashamed of me. "

So, Bilal departed, apparently, he heard Alqamah from inside the house saying La Ilaha Illallah. So, Bilal entered and said, "O people, in fact, the anger of Alqamah's mother had obstructed her oral so that she could not recite the creed, and her blessing had made her able to recite the creed."

Then, Alqamah died at that time.

So, the Prophet saw it and ordered it to be bathed and then dikafani, then he shattered it and buried it,

Then, near the tomb, he said, "O all the Muhajirites and Ansar, whoever overestimates his wife than his mother, he will get the curse from Allah, the angels, and all humans. Allah will not accept his deeds in the slightest unless he wants to repent and do good to his mother and ask for his blessing, because the pleasure of Allah depends on his pleasure and Allah's anger depends on his anger. "

The fame of this story:

This story with the details of the events above is very famous among the Muslims, the preachers always mention it when talking about lawlessness in both parents. It seems that very few Muslims don't know this story. And what makes the story even more famous is that this story is found in the book of Al-Kaba'ir which is based on Al-Hafizh adz-Dhahabi.

Even though the book of Al-Kaba'ir contained this story is not written by Imam adz-Dhahabi, as this is explained by Shaykh Masyhur Hasan Salman in his book Kutubun Hadzara Minha Ulama 'also in the actual muqaddimah of adz-Dhahabi.

This story is also found in books that talk about the obligation to do good to both parents. However, that is not a guarantee that the story is authentic.

Takhrij of this hadith (I take this takhrij from the treatise of Qashashun La Tatsbut by Shaykh Masyhur Hasan Alu Salman, 3/19 and after):

The hadith that mentions this story is generally narrated by Imam Ahmad, 4/382, Thabrani, Baihaqi in Syu'abul Iman, 6/197 and in Dala'ilun Nubuwwah, 6/205. Everything from the path of Yazid bin Harun said, told us Fa'id bin Abdur Rahman said, I heard Abdullah bin Abu Aufa said, there was someone who came to the Messenger of Allah while saying, "O Messenger of Allah, here is a young man who is deadly, he was told to say the creed but could not pronounce it. "So, the Prophet asked," Didn't he say it during his life? "Answered," Yes, O Messenger of Allah. "The Prophet again asked," Then what prevents him from reciting the shahada when he dies? "... Then later told about the story of the young man who was rebellious to his mother and the desire of the Prophet to burn it, finally his mother gave him a blessing and he could recite the shahada and died, and finally, the Prophet said," Praise be to Allah who saved him from Hellfire. "

The degree of the story:

This story is very weak.

The side of his weakness is that this story is narrated only from the path of Abul Warqa 'Fa'id bin Abdur Rahman and he is a man who was left behind by his hadith and an accused accused.

Ibn Hibban said, "He is one of those who narrated the munkar hadiths from famous people, he narrated from Ibn Abi Aufa with the hadiths that you had said, they should not go against him."

Imam Bukhari said, "He narrated from Ibn Abi Aufa and he is a munkar of hadith."

Ibn Hajar said, "He is a weak person, not abandoned and abandoned by the hadith with the agreement of the scholars."

Therefore, the scholars weakened this hadith, including:

• Imam Ahmad in his Musnad.

• Al-Qoili in Adh-Dhu'afa al-Kabir, 3/461.

• Al-Baihaqi in Syu'abul Iman, 6/198.

• Ibnul Jauzi in Al-Maudhu'at, 3/87.

• Al-Mundziri in At-Targhib wat Tarhib, 3/222.

Because he narrated this story with lafadz: (روي: narrated). Whereas he said in the muqaddimah of the book, "If in a hadith a sanad is a liar, counterfeiters of hadith, accused of lying, agreed to be abandoned by the hadith, vanished hadith, very weak, weak or I do not find an amplifier to raise the degree of hadith to Hasan, then I start with lafadz (روي: narrated). And I did not mention who the narrator was nor did I mention the flaw at all. From here, a weak sanad can be known by two signs, first starting with lafadz (روي: narrated), and there is no information at all after that. "

• Adz-Dhahabi in Tartibul Maudhu'at, no. 874.

• Al-Haitsami in Majma'uz Zawa'id, 8/148.

• Ibn 'Araq in Tanzihusy Syari'ah, 2/296

• Ash-Syaukani in Al-Fawa'id al-Majmu'ah.

• Al-Albani in Dha'if Targhib.

Change the saheeh

After finding out the weaknesses of this hadith, it is not permissible for anyone to mention this story when discussing the obligation to worship both parents and the lawlessness of him. But keep in mind, that serving both parents is an obligation syar'i and durhaka is a real prohibition. Many verses and hadith mention this, including:

The Word of God, the Exalted,

وقضى ربك ألا تعبدوا إلا إياه وبالوالدين إحسانا إما يبلغن عندك الكبر أحدهما أو كلاهما فلا تقل لهما أف ولا تنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريما

"And your Lord has commanded that you do not worship other than Him, and do your best to your father's mother as well as possible. If one of the two or both of them reaches old age in your care, then never say to both the words' ah ', and do not yell at them and say to them noble words. "(Surat al-Isra' : 23).

عن عبد الله بن عمرو رضي الله عنهما قال جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال جئت أبايعك على الهجرة وتركت أبوي يبكيان فقال ارجع إليهما فأضحكهما كما أبكيتهما

From Abdullah bin, Amr said, "There was someone who came to the Messenger of Allah and said, 'I came to pledge allegiance to you to emigrate, but I left my parents crying.' So, the Prophet said, 'Return to your parents and make both laughs as you make them cry.' (Narrated by Abu Dawud with saheeh sanad, see Sahih Targhib, 2481).

عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال كان تحتي امرأة أحبها وكان عمر يكرهها فقال لي طلقها فأبيت فأتى عمر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فذكر ذلك له فقال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم طلقها

From Abdullah bin, Umar said, "I have a wife whom I love, but Umar hated him, and he told me, 'Divorce him.' I was also reluctant to divorce her. So, Umar came to the Prophet then mentioned the incident, then the Messenger of Allah said to me, 'Divorce him.' "(Narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban and he explained it. Tirmidhi said," This hadith hasan saheeh. ").

عن عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال الكبائر الإشراك بالله وعقوق الوالدين وقتل النفس واليمين الغموس

From Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash, from the Messenger of Allah said, "Great sins are to commit shirk on Allah, disobedience to both parents, kill souls and false oaths." (Narrated by Bukhari).

And to find out many traditions about the reward of doing service to both parents and the threat to the ungodly to both, see Shahih Targhib wat Tarhib by Syaikh Al-Albani in this chapter. You know.

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