Masyitoh (Comb Lady Woman) Pharaoh's son


On the night when the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam made an Isra trip' accompanied by Jibril, he smelled a fragrant aroma. He Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam asked, "O Jibril, what is this fragrant aroma?" Gabriel replied, "This is the aroma of Masyithah, combing the hair of the Pharaoh's family and their children."

The Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam asked, "What is the story?"

Then Gabriel told the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam,

One day, when Masyithah was combing Pharaoh's daughter's hair, her comb suddenly fell from her hand. Immediately he said, "Bismillah (in the name of Allah)."

The princess asked, "Father?"

"No," he answered. "But my Lord and your God are God."

Princess said, "I will report it to your father."

He replied, "Please."

Fir'aun then called him while asking, "O fulanah, is there a God as far as me?"

He replied, "Yes, my Lord and your God are God."

Hearing that answer Pharaoh became angry, then ordered his men to heat the cow statue until it melted, then told the comb man and his children to be thrown into it.

Masyithah said, "Before I die, I beg you a request."

"What is your request?" Asked Pharaoh.

He replied, "I beg that you will collect my bones and bones of my children in one shroud, then you buried us."

Pharaoh said, "That is a very easy thing."

Finally, his children were thrown one by one before him until it was the turn of the baby who was still breastfed. As if the mother was late due to compassion for her baby. Instantly the baby can speak, 'O Mother, come in! Surely torment in the world is lighter than torturing the hereafter. "

Ibn Abbas said, "There are four babies who can speak, namely Isa bin Maryam, Shahib Juraij, witness Yusuf, and son of Masyithah (comb) Pharaoh."

Takhrij Story

This story is also very famous. Imam Ahmad narrated in his Musnad (1/309), at-Thabrani in al-Mu'jamul Kabir (11/450), and al-Bazaar as in the Astar Kasyful (1/37). All of them are from the street Hammad bin Salamah, from Atha 'bin Saib, from Said bin Jubair, from Ibn Abbas radhiallahu' anhuma.

Degrees of Acts

Dha'if. Due to Atha 'bin Saib, he experienced rote changes at the end of his life. This is the field of musthalah hadith is called Mukhtalith.

From the explanation of the expert hadith experts, it can be concluded, that Hammad bin Salamah narrated from Atha 'before changing memorization and also after changing his memorization. Therefore, his history is rejected because it cannot be distinguished.

Syaikh al-Albani rahimahullah said, "Atha 'bin Saib had changed his memorization. Hammad bin Salamah narrated from him before his memorization changed and after that, it was also different, with the expectation of some people today. "(Adh-Dha'ifah, 2/272, no. 880). He also said, "Some narrators narrate the hadith of Mukhtalith (changing their memorization) before and after. Among them is Hammad bin Salamah, he heard from Atha 'before and after the change of memorization of Atha' as explained by al-Hafidz in at-Tahdzib. Thus, it should not be judged by the hadith. In contrast to some scholars of contemporary hadith. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala forgive us and forgive him. "(Adh-Dha'ifah, 3/165, no. 1053).

In conclusion, this story is dha'if so we find the amplifier. This story is weakened by Syaikh al-Albani in many of his books (Al-Isra 'wal Mi'raj, p. 80, Dha'if Jami' Shaghir, 10242).

Source: Beware of Real Stories, Abu Ubaidah Yusuf As-Sidawi, Al-Furqon Library, 1429 H

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