Knowing the Poor and Rich in Islam

Poor and Rich in Islam

In Indonesian, poor are people who are not wealthy; inadequate (very low income). Whereas in Arabic, said poor is taken from Sakana which means quiet or calm.

That is why the Messenger of Allah. always praying, "Turn me on in a poor state, my words are in poor condition, and gather me with a collection of poor people." Because the poor usually live more calmly, because there is not too much to worry about.

If we notice, the average person whose house is fenced in must be a house belonging to a rich person. That is sometimes still added to security guards, whether human security guards or tangible animals such as dogs or geese.

However, there are also poor people who are not calm. Namely, poverty accompanied by fidelity. Even though they have been wallowing in wealth, they always feel less.

And this is a lot of scattering around us, so often it is not realized that the state money runs out without having to steal it, and it turns out they are the ones who take it, to cover up their wickedness.

While rich are people who have a lot of wealth. But actually, there is no standard for sure what a rich person is like.

Is the luxury of the house, the breadth of the land, the number of vehicles, the beauty of the couple? There is no exact size.

As mentioned above, not a few people already have so much wealth but feel they still have nothing.

If the size of the poor and rich is a treasure, then Islam does not at all suggest its followers be poor, so too does the rich.

Friends of the Prophet were not the few who had wealth, and there were many who were so deficient, not only about food, there was even one family that only had one garment, which if one was used for prayer, the other had to queue in turn.

If the size of the poor and the rich is the heart, then Islam really requires its followers to be rich. Al-Ganiy, Yang Mahakaya, is one of the names of Allah from His Asmaul Husna which His servant must emulate, that is, by not needing too much from Him.

Islam does not claim poverty and wealth in terms of wealth, because no matter how strong natural law is, it cannot change the fate outlined by God.

Do not we often see two people who are equally diligent working, but their income is much different.

Some even look so relaxed, but the treasure is very fond of it, and there is something that seems so hard to work, but treasure let alone to approach, even glancing at him unwillingly.

Many verses from the Koran that address these issues include:
No creature moves on this earth unless God has provided its sustenance. [QS. Hud 11: 6]

Some understand this verse by stating that in order to obtain the provision provided by God, one must move, that is to work, as understood from lafadz Dābbah.

The two-line line to lafadz Dābbat (in) in the verse indicates that the more active a person works, the more he will achieve.

This opinion is very true because it is in accordance with the rules of natural law. It's just, once again, a lot in this life, especially the problem of sustenance, which comes out of natural law, which has the same portion, even more.

So it is not wrong to say that God has provided sustenance and given it to anyone who lives, works or not. Even if there are some people who die of starvation, they are already out of age.

Are there not many people who die from eating too much? And this is more.

Narrated, one morning, Ibrahim bin Adham wanted to have bread. The bread that was in front of him was suddenly taken by a bird.

Ibrahim followed where the bird went. The bird enters the forest. And Ibrahim was really surprised when he saw with his own eyes, it turned out that the bread stolen by the bird was fed to a naked man tied to a tree.

The man told me that he used to be a journalist, then was robbed and tied up in the middle of the forest.

However, every day there are always birds that feed him food and drink for him to survive.

Another story reveals, az-Zahid, a traveler to Allah, wants to know for himself how God gives sustenance to His creatures.

He hid in a cave located in the middle of the Sahara desert. Hunger has struck him, but he persevered to get answers from what he suggested.

Then came the group of travelers who rested in the cave. They witnessed how sad the people who sat curled up in a corner of the cave were in such a bad state.

The traveler offered him food, but Az-Zahid silently ignored. They thought the person he met was too hungry so he could not speak.

They gave him drinks, Az-Zahid remained unwilling to open his mouth. Until finally the travelers took an iron to open their mouths and teeth.

Then poured the drink into his mouth. Az-Zahid smiled. They laughed.

Such are the various stories that have been experienced by godly people to prove how the Merciful God has provided sustenance to all His creatures.

In fact, not infrequently we encounter, disobedient humans who do not heed His guidance, are given more wealth than those who obey worship.

However, even though Islam does not imply the poor and rich, Islam requires its followers to work.

So it is unlawful, and the sins are very large, people who work as unemployed, except for reasons that are shar'i. Work is not to gain wealth, but work is to achieve the reward.

Rich people are not nobler than poor people, and vice versa. They have the same right to gain the pleasure of God.

One time, poor friends complained to the Messenger of Allah. because of his poverty. Because of they both worship, but rich people can give alms, and poor people cannot.

Then the Messenger of Allah. said, " Every recitation of prayer beads is alms. Every takbir is alms. Every tahlil is alms. Ordering goodness is charity.

Preventing munkar is charity. Distributing his lust on the lawful road is charity. Every bone segment has the potential to give alms.

Doing justice is charity. Helping to lift the burden of others is charity. A good sentence is a charity. Every step towards prayer is alms. Getting rid of dirt on the road is alms. "

Such is the position of rich and poor. Both have the same degree before God.

Have the same portion of good deeds. Its success is dependent on each business.

There are people who are not ready to be impoverished, so he complains a lot, is easily discouraged and takes what is not his right.

There are people who are not ready to be rich, so he has a sense of arrogance and arrogant towards others.
In the last days, there will be no more poor people.

No more people are willing to accept alms. And at the same time, everything became poor. So that no more rich are poor. There is no life. That's when the world will be destroyed. Thus, Wa Allāhu Allam.

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