Good and Bad: Santri Version

Beautifull Santri

Good is something that is commendable, beautiful, proper, or orderly. Bad is something bad, dirty, evil, or inappropriate.

No baby is born unless he is born in a state of fitrah. Thus said the Prophet. So, everyone, as long as it has not been affected by the environment, and is able to recognize his conscience, surely he is able to distinguish between good and bad.

So it's not too much if someone says, "Even if there is no religion and scripture, humans will still live well, if they are able to use their hearts to think, and their minds to choose."

One day, the Wabishah came to the Messenger of Allah. and ask about good and bad.
"You came to me to ask about the good and bad?" Rasulullah saw. repeat the question.

"Yes, Rasulullah."

"O Wabishah, ask for a fatwa in your heart and ask for advice from yourself. Ask for a fatwa in your heart, and ask yourself for advice. Ask for a fatwa in your heart, and ask yourself for advice.

Goodness is what calms the heart, and ugliness is what troubles it, even though some have given a fatwa for their ability. "

Every kindness must calm the heart. Every ugliness must be troubling him. This has become the nature of every heart.

If someone does well then feels anxiety, or does evil but it calms, then really his heart has been covered by stains.

The heart is control. If his heart is good, then all is well. If his heart is bad, then everything is bad. Thus the Messenger of Allah. ever said.

Inside the heart, there are eyes and ears. At first, people who do evil must feel unease, discomfort, anxiety, feel embarrassed, do not want anyone to know, because at that time the dust and stains of disobedience make the eyes of the heart slip and make his ears tingle and itching.

But if the bad is done too often, the dust and stains will clot, close the eyes and ears of the heart, so that it can lead to blindness and deafness. If it is like this, then the person will no longer feel guilty when doing evil, just be proud of it. This kind of person, by the Qur'an, is labeled as an animal, even more astray.

... they have hearts but don't want to think. They have eyes, but they don't want to see. They have ears, but they don't want to hear. They are like cattle, they are even more astray. They are people who are negligent. [QS. Al-A'raf 7: 179]

Different from kindness. People who do good, do not need to secretly do it. Will not be ashamed if anyone sees. It's just that, there are some good things that by Religion, we are forbidden to show them.

Some of that goodness, if we show it will reduce the reward of the good that is done. There are also those who cannot or must be shown. Teaching, for example, cannot be a teacher hiding while teaching, at least from his students. Religion also criticizes knowledge people who hide their knowledge.

It is also good that must be done in hiding. Must hide. If not, not only will the great reward be reduced, but the culprit is also punished with sin. The goodness that must be hidden is, for example, intercourse between husband and wife.
Humans do not live alone. So that they are influenced by influences: environment, friends, reading, and so on.

Fitrah and reason are gifts and guidance that God has given. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to use it well or is easily eroded by the wind of life, or unable to defend it from storms and the waves of the earthly ocean. Therefore, the Merciful and Merciful God gives additional guidance in the form of religion and the sending down of messengers.

Religion, among others, is to inform the kindness that has never been reached by reason, such as how to fast, pray, pilgrimage, where it is, when, and so on. The presence of the scriptures, among others, is also to remind of what is good, which by nature and reason may have been neglected. For example, the Qur'an explains:

Goodness is not just your face to the east and west, but goodness is to believe in Allah, the end of the day, angels, books, prophets, give the wealth he loves to his relatives, orphans, poor people, traveler, and people begging; and (liberating) slaves, establishing prayer, and giving alms; and those who keep their promises when they promise, and those who are patient in narrowness, suffering, and in war. They are the true people (faith), and they are the ones who fear. [QS. Al-Baqarah 2: 177].

Religion not only teaches rituals. Goodness is not just a prayer, facing the Qibla direction. But diversity is good. The verse divides the good into three main things.

The first relates to the heart, related to the mind or creed, namely the faith in Allah, the last day, the angels, the books, the prophets.

The second is related to social charity and ritual. Like giving alms, loving others, performing prayers, zakat, fasting, and Hajj.

The third is related to morals or morals. Among them is fulfilling promises. Promises to God promises to fellow humans, promises to the environment, and promises to oneself.

In this context, it needs to be underlined that fulfilling promises is the duty of every Muslim, both to fellow Muslims and to non-Muslims. The same is true for fulfilling the mandate. It is the duty of every Muslim, whether the mandate is received from a Muslim or non-Muslim.

Like filial piety to parents. It is an obligation, both Muslim parents and non-Muslims. Among other things, there is an order to be patient in suffering, misery, and war. That is part of morality and part of goodness that is highly glorified by Religion because it is so important.

However, religion is still not everything. Because God is the main goal. Religion is a means by which someone leads to Him in the way He teaches.

The peak of guidance is the hand of God. From Religion, God teaches how to ask that He be pleased to lead His servants to Him.

The prayer, not only is it recommended to be read at any time, the Messenger of Allah. also prayed with him, but this prayer is also required to be read in every prayer, at each rak'ah.

The prayer is found in surah al-Fatihah:
Guide us on the right path. [QS. Al-Fatihah: 6]

May God open our hearts and minds with His instructions, so that we are able to see better, and have the ability to carry out that goodness.

May God always guide us, show us evil, and give us the gift of strength to abandon those evils.
Thus, Wa Allāhu Allam. []

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